The average house price on HOLBECK LANE is £265,285
The most expensive house in the street is 62 HOLBECK LANE with an estimated value of £506,938
The cheapest house in the street is 45B HOLBECK LANE with an estimated value of £80,301
The house which was most recently sold was 45B HOLBECK LANE, this sold on 4 Oct 2019 for £65,000
The postcodes for HOLBECK LANE are LS11 9UL, LS11 9UN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
45B HOLBECK LANE £80,301 £65,000 4 Oct 2019
58 HOLBECK LANE £188,483 £150,000 11 May 2018
62 HOLBECK LANE Semi-Detached £506,938 £190,833 4 Oct 2002
64 HOLBECK LANE Semi-Detached £336,932 £160,000 15 Mar 2004
JAELCO HOUSE, 45A HOLBECK LANE £213,774 £170,000 10 Apr 2018